40 years od excellence

Vendor Master Form


(The details listed will be saved directly to our official vendor data bank & it is totally safe, bank details mentioned will be used for making all payments against POs / WOs, refund of EMDs / SDs, intimation of payments by email, issue of TDS certificates)

All Fields are required to be filled by the Company/Vendor.


  1. If PAN is not provided, TDS @20% will be deducted wherever applicable.
  2. If Excise Registration/GST Registration Number is not provided, then the taxes will not be paid wherever applicable.
  3. If Bank Particulars is not provided, the payment will not be made.
  4. If the relevant documents for Micro/Small/SSI status under the MSMED Act, 2006 are not provided, then we will not consider you as a Micro/ Small/ Medium Enterprise.
  5. The due date for the payment will be considered from the date of receipt of the Invoice.

Following self-certified documents must be enclosed with the VMF:

  1. Copy of PAN Card.
  2. Copy of GST Certificates.
  3. Copy of Crossed bank Cheque.
  4. Copy of the MSME Certificate, if registered under the MSMED Act, 2006, if registered.